Sikligar Sikhs Gurdwara Sahib in Miryalguda
In last quarter of 2020, SAF International completed the long-awaited construction of the Gurdwara Sahib in Miryalguda, a small town about 150 km from Hyderabad. This community began expanding their Gurdwara back in 2010, pooling their own resources to build a larger space for worship and gatherings. Unfortunately, due to a shortage of funds, the project was left unfinished for nearly 10 years- until SAF International stepped in.
Recognizing the importance of this project in serving the Forgotten Sikhs, SAF stepped in to help complete the Gurdwara Sahib. The reconstruction included the addition of a dedicated Sukhassan room, an expanded Darbar hall to accommodate more Sangat for smagams and keertan, and a larger Langar hall where the entire community can come together to share Guru ka Langar. With these important additions, the Sikligar Sikhs in Miryalguda now have a fully functioning Gurdwara Sahib.
“Guru Gobind Singh Jee’s bachan, ‘Daan Deyo Enhi Ko Bhalo, Ar Aan Ko Daan Na Lagat Neeko,’ reminds us to direct our seva towards Sikhs as a priority. At SAF International, we stand firm on this principle—no Sikh should remain unheard, unseen, or unserved.”
— Bhai Shamandeep Singh, Founder of SAF International
This milestone reflects SAF International’s commitment to preserving the Sikh heritage, keeping the spiritual life of this minority community alive, and enabling the Sikligar sikh sangat to thrive.
As part of its broader mission, SAF International continues to provide resources and support to other marginalized Sikh communities, keeping the flame of hope alive for the Forgotten Sikhs and strengthening the bonds of unity across the globe.
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