Inspire Education Fund
We provide young children of all faiths with the opportunity to pursue a quality education and a better life. We also work with schools to integrate smart technology into the classroom, and we educate young Sikh children about their culture.
Sikhi Awareness
An after-school program for young Sikh children to learn about their history, develop self-discipline through traditional martial arts, and build a deeper sense of community. Our friendly Sikh staff serve as the perfect role models to educate the children on their culture and to teach them the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse

Water Aid
Our water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) projects are all aimed at raising the quality of life for impoverished communities across South Asia. This is an important initiative for SAF International because it is providing basic human rights to vulnerable people in need.
Community Development
A key goal of the charity is to raise awareness for communities across South Asia that for one reason or another are in need of support. Whether it’s uplifting the forgotten Sikligar Sikhs, or helping rural dilat (Adivasi) tribes access renewable energy, we’re committed to doing what we can to ensure a better life for these people.

Without proper shelter, many families struggle to find comfort and protection against the elements. This often brings with it certain health risks, so to help improve their situation, we do what we can to make their homes much more safer, secure, and comfortable.
Emergency Relief
In times of crises, we aim to be on the frontline of aid relief as soon as possible both at home and abroad. We have provided medical aid and food supplies to communities across British Columbia and South Asia, helping vulnerable people overcome floods, droughts, earthquakes, and most recently, COVID-19.

Ways to give
There are numerous ways you can make a meaningful difference in the lives of children, especially girls. You can choose to contribute through a one-time or monthly donation, purchase a Gift of Compassion, become a child sponsor, or leave a lasting legacy with a planned gift.