Sikligar Sikhs of Gujarat: A detailed impact report

Sikligar sikh children in Sikhi bana

In the summer of 2017, SAF International began a multi-year Community Development Project to support a highly marginalized Sikligar Sikh community in Gujarat. The Sikligar community is comprised of underprivileged children and families living in extreme poverty. SAF is currently supporting two small communities within Vadodra, Gujarat, consisting of 30 families. The Sikligar Sikh community…

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SAF Supports Sikligar Sikhs During COVID-19 Lockdown

For years, SAF International has been working within Sikligar communities, helping to educate and uplift individuals that have been ignored and neglected by mainstream society. It’s a cause that is very near and dear to our hearts, because we know…

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Resilient Surinder Kaur of Punjab

Residing in a small, dilapidated home in Ludhiana(Punjab), Surinder Kaur has tried her best to make the most of what she has. While the expectation for her husband would be to help provide for their young family, it is rather the opposite. Her husband, a chronic drug addict, regularly pawns off anything of value to…

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