Community Details
Population: 287
Male: 38
Female: 61
Children: 188
House Types: Makeshift huts, single room brick homes, and a few multiroom houses.
Total Houses: 50
Our Work in the Community
Started: Spring 2018
Budget 2019: 3,10,000 Rupees
Support Provided: Education, water dwellings/purification, and latrine construction
Update: April 21, 2020
As this community is made up of daily laborers, they were hit hard during the nationwide lockdowns in India. We have been working to support them during this tough time by providing much-needed Food Aid.
Project Began: Spring 2018
Children are enrolled in school and will be supported up until grade 12. Transportation has been arranged both to and from school. In addition, homes were assessed to identify water sanitation and toilet facility needs.